Sketch Artist Policy of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
(October 2023)

Access to Oral Arguments – In almost all cases, oral arguments before the Court are open to the media and public. Sketch artists must contact the Clerk’s Office well in advance of the scheduled argument to request seating in the courtroom. The Court will accommodate all requests unless the panel, for reasons of security, decides otherwise. Additionally, if the Court receives multiple requests, space considerations may limit the number of sketch artists that can be accommodated. Contact Clifton Cislak, Chief Deputy Clerk, by phone at 202.216.7302 or by email at

Use of Electronic Devices – All electronic devices must be turned off, kept off, and put away while in the courtroom. Any violation of this policy may result in the imposition of contempt sanctions against the violator individually, and, if attending in the capacity of an employee or agent, against the employer or principal. Anyone who violates this policy may be prohibited from entering the courthouse and annex with electronic devices in the future.

Use of Electronic Devices that can Photograph, Record, or Broadcast – The use of any device that can photograph, record, or broadcast court proceedings is prohibited except in connection with ceremonial and educational functions of the Court. Photographing or recording court ceremonies and educational programs may be permitted with prior approval of the chief judge under such conditions as he or she may prescribe. Any violation of this policy may result in the imposition of contempt sanctions against the violator individually, and, if attending in the capacity of an employee or agent, against the employer or principal. Anyone who violates this policy will be prohibited from entering the courthouse and annex with electronic devices in the future.