Policy Regarding Live Audio Streaming of Arguments
(Updated May 23, 2018)

On May 23, 2018, Chief Judge Merrick Garland announced that the Court has voted to live stream audio of all oral arguments, except when classified or sealed matters must be discussed. The Court has been live streaming audio of oral arguments upon request since October 2017. Chief Judge Garland stated that “this is an important additional step in bringing transparency to our proceedings.”

To listen to live oral arguments, go to the Court’s website at www.cadc.uscourts.gov. On the homepage, under Live Audio Streaming, a link will be provided to access the live oral argument. If you experience problems connecting, please email liveaudiorequest@cadc.uscourts.gov or call 202.216.7440 for troubleshooting assistance.

Audio recordings of oral arguments have been available online since September 2013. In addition to live streaming, audio recordings will continue to be posted on the Court’s website by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the oral argument. An archive of audio recordings going back to the 2007-2008 term is available.

To listen to audio recordings, go to the Oral Arguments page and click on Audio of Oral Arguments. You may also listen to live streaming of oral arguments from this page under Live Streaming Audio of Oral arguments.

Questions should be directed to Betsy Paret, Circuit Executive, at 202.216.7340, or Elizabeth_Paret@cadc.uscourts.gov.

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